New partner : Alex Gray

We are delighted to announce that Alex Gray has become a partner with effect from 1st October 2022.

 Alex joined Jones Nickolds in January 2013 as a newly qualified solicitor and has worked her way up over the last 9 1/2 years. She is a highly valued member of the team and we are so pleased that she is now joining the partnership.

Alex specialises in all aspects of private family law. She has extensive experience advising clients about finances and children following separation. 

Alex has a wealth of experience in both litigation and negotiated settlements. She has advised in relation to cases where there are complex financial issues, trust assets and international elements and in relation to challenging disputes and litigation involving children.

Alex appreciates that the issues that flow from a relationship breakdown can be emotionally charged and difficult.  She strives to support her clients as constructively and cost-effectively as possible. 

If you have any queries about this article please contact jonesnickolds on 0203 405 2300 or


Legal 500 Rankings: JN recognised once again as Tier 1 family law firm.


Welcome changes proposed to the Capital Gains Tax rules for separating spouses and civil partners